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edgewater mexican cafe

edgewater mexican cafe

City Lit Theater’s play-making is handmade and costs more than the price of our tickets.  We are a unique non-profit corporation and appreciate your support.  Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to City Lit Theater Company.



Since July 1, 2019, these contributors have made City Lit’s work possible.



Alphawood Foundation

Paul M. Angell Family Foundation

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

Ivanhoe Theater Foundation

The MacArthur Funds for Arts and

Culture at The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation

The Saints


PATRONS ($1,000+)

Sam Fox

Karen Hansen and Richard Cook

Jeffrey Jens and Ann Boisclair

J.G. Kingsley

Corinne Lyon

Joan Mattson

James Bruce Smith Fund for Liberty and Theatre

Sheila Willis


COLLEAGUES ($500-$999)


Scott Brickwood 

Vicki Curtis and Bill Siavelis

Ann Hartdegen, in honor of Anne Thurman

Tamara O'Leary

Dan Robinson


SPONSORS ($250-$499)

Michelle and Steven Cucchiaro

Joel and Christine Lehman

Jennifer Widmer

FRIENDS ($5-$99)

BJ Anderson

Ann Ayres

Regina Belt

Francis Brady

Laura Carl

Cynthia Dvorak

Charles Everson

Anita Gewurz

Nancy Gustafson

Barbara Hauser

Gary Houston

Linda Jenkins

Tom and Rosemarie King

Alexandra Margo-Malos

Bridget McDonough

Katherine McSpadden

Thomas Nickel

John and Sami Nordmark

Lynne Pantalena

Kathleen Pozniak

Katherine Simpson

Elizabeth Stake

Paul Wolf

DONORS ($100-$249)

Bernie Beck

Diane Bravos and Thomas Spevacek

Barbara Cathey

Kingsley Day

Harmon Dow

Sallie Gaines and Mark Richardson

Robin Gaston

Paul Helman and Ruth Bittner

Jane Heron, in honor of Joan Mazzonelli and Paul Grigonis

Janet and Brian Hoffman

Lindsay Huge

Patricia Kenney

Ted and Judy Lucas

Susan Matyus-Ehrlich

Charles and Angela Platt

Carol Scheidenhelm

Kathryn Simon

Wilma Stevens

Barbara and Randy Thomas

Peg Tomaszek-Witry and Lawrence Witry

Robert Tucker

Linda Walker

Anne Wrider


The Saints




Dan Robinson

James Sparling

Arts & Business Council of Chicago

Edgewater Presbyterian Church

Edgewater Beach Café

Francesca’s Bryn Mawr

Edgewater Mexican Café

To become a City Lit partner and make a donation, please click the PayPal link below, call 773.293.3682, email, or mail a check to 1020 W Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660  

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